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Natural Language Processing

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Resume Named Entity Recognition

Custom built SpaCy model from scratch, created dataset using Docanno annotator. Connected to MongoDB Atlas for searching and querying.

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Conversational AI for Code Assistance

React application and a Discord Bot to provide Python code from user prompts. Built in Judge0 compiler to test generated codes.

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Streamlit Highway Traffic Alert from Twitter

Fetch real time Traffic-related tweets from Twitter API. ACcordingly estimate city traffic. Uses multiple machine learning algorithms.

Deep Learning & Computer Vision

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Spotify Music Recommendation Engine

Customized algorithm from Song Recommendations and Playlist Generation. Also, facial emotion based suggestions.

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ANPR with PowerBI Dashboard

Recognition of number plates from vehciles, perform text extarction and storing in Database. Application connected to Power BI for analytics.

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Human Activity Recognition

Streamlit application that uses pre-trained ONNX model in order to detect live human activities from camera feed.

Data Analytics, Web Designing and Other Domains

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Premier League Seasonal Dashboard

Tableau Dashboard thatis incorporated in a Flask Application in order to analyze and visualize a football season. Player stats querying feature.

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Offiside Jerseys Website

Frontend Project using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Angular Framework, a retail website for selling football jerseys.

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JSwings Quiz Application

An educational quiz application purely designed using Java (JSwings) as a part of the first year Java Course.